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IAS wykład dr Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Wykład dr Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Mamy zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na wykład z serii: "IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology of Second Language Learning and Teaching", który wygłosi dr Laura Gurzynski-Weiss (University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA). Tytuł wystąpienia to: "Teacher IDs in ISLA: Insights from theory, research, and practice", czas: 13 listopada 2023r., godz. 18:00.
We have the honor to invite you to the sixth lecture in the " IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology of Second Language Learning and Teaching" by Laura Gurzynski-Weiss (University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA) entitled "Teacher IDs in ISLA: Insights from theory, research, and practice". If you are interested in participating in the lecture, which will take place on November 13, 2023 at 6 pm CET on Teams
Click here to join the meeting:

Mirosław Pawlak

Wykład dr Laura Gurzynski-Weiss